The list of countries where vaping is legal in 2023 is as follows:
Antigua . Vaping is legal, but only with a doctor's prescription.
Argentina . Vaping is legal.
barbuda . Vaping is legal.
Belgium . Vaping is legal, but only with a doctor's prescription.
Brazil . Vaping is legal.
Brunei . Vaping is legal.
Canada . Vaping is legal.
chile . Vaping is legal.
China . Vaping is legal, but only with a doctor's prescription.
Colombia . Vaping is legal.
Croatia . Vaping is legal.
Cyprus . Vaping is legal.
Czech Republic . Vaping is legal.
Denmark . Vaping is legal.
Egypt . Vaping is legal.
Estonia . Vaping is legal.
Ethiopia . Vaping is legal.
Finland. Vaping is legal.
France . Vaping is legal.
Germany . Vaping is legal.
greece . Vaping is legal.
Indonesia. Vaping is legal.
Iran. Vaping is legal.
India . Legal in some areas, it is recommended to check before traveling.
jamaica . Vaping is legal.
Japan. Vaping is legal.
Kuwait . Vaping is legal.
Laos . Vaping is legal.
lebanon . Vaping is legal.
Malaysia . Vaping is legal.
Mauritius . Vaping is legal.
Nepal . Vaping is legal.
Netherlands . Vaping is legal, but only with a doctor's prescription.
New Zealand . Vaping is legal, but only with a doctor's prescription.
norway . Vaping is legal, but only with a doctor's prescription.
Oman . Vaping is legal, but only with a doctor's prescription.
Panama . Vaping is legal, but only with a doctor's prescription.
the Philippines . Vaping is legal, but only with a doctor's prescription.
Poland. Vaping is legal, but only with a doctor's prescription.
Seychelles . Vaping is legal, but only with a doctor's prescription.
Spain. Vaping is illegal, but is allowed in private places. The government has said it will consider making a decision on private use this year. In November 2006, Spanish police confiscated vapes used in public places.
He also stated that if vape endangers public health, its sale will be banned. Spanish Health Minister José Antonio Lamont said that if it is scientifically proven that vape is harmful to human health, the Spanish government will ban its production and sales. Spain's health ministry is awaiting the results of an international investigation by the World Health Organization into the health effects of e-smog.